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Overcoming Binge Eating - Fairburn Christopher G Taking Charge of Adult ADHD DBT Skills Training Manual - Linehan Marsha Mind Over Mood - Greenberger Dennis Mindfulness - DBT Skills Training Manual, Second Edition, Available separately: DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets Guilford Publications
Early Start for Your Child with Autism Handbook of Cultural Psychology, Second Edition - Taking Charge of ADHD, Fourth Edition, The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents Guilford Publications
Attachment in Psychotherapy - Wallin, David J. Child Psychopathology Mash Eric J. Child Abuse and Culture Experiencing Compassion-Focused Therapy from the Inside Out Wisdom and Compassion in Psychotherapy Siegel Ronald Cognitive-behavioral Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Teaching Social Communication to Children with Autism and Other Developmental Delays, Second Edition: The Project Impact Manual for Parents (Ingersoll Brooke)(Paperback)
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- The Mental Health Clinician's Workbook: Locking in Your Professional Skills Morrison JamesPaperback