
How to use

To use Heureka UI, you need to add the following into the head element of the template (note the version used):


The essentials.css contains all the necessary styles for rendering the elements of Heureka UI:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


In order to use different branding, use an alternative version of the essentials.css stylesheet, for example:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


The icons.js is a script for injecting the icon sprite into the document, making the icons available:

<script src="" async></script>

Currently there are two types of sprite icons (default) and flags. Required type(s) can be specified by attribute data-sprite-types (value comma separated types) on script tag.

  • use data-sprite-types="icons" or without attribute for classic icons sprite
  • use data-sprite-types="flags" just for flags sprite
  • use data-sprite-types="icons,flags" for both sprites
Example for both sprites:
<script src="" data-sprite-types="icons,flags" async></script>


The essentials.js script contains the code to run all the interactive components from Heureka UI:

<script src="" type="module"></script>

Last, but most importantly, you have to add a HTML class scope-essentials-v9.4.0 to an element in the template, usually the body element. All styles in the essentials.css are scoped to this class and will not take effect outside of the element with the class.

Variables and mixins

To use Less/SCSS variables in your styles, install the @heureka/hasty package via NPM as a development dependency. Then, import all the necessary files into your Less stylesheet:

@import 'node_modules/@heureka/hasty/src/css/brand/heureka';
@import 'node_modules/@heureka/hasty/src/css/base/config.less';
@import 'node_modules/@heureka/hasty/src/css/base/functions.less';
or for SCSS
@import 'node_modules/@heureka/hasty/src/css/brand/heureka';
@import 'node_modules/@heureka/hasty/src/css/base/config';
@import 'node_modules/@heureka/hasty/src/css/base/functions';

React components

To use React components in your project, install the @heureka/hasty package via NPM as a production dependency. You can then import and use any available component in the following manner:

import { Button, ButtonVariant, Accordion } from '@heureka/hasty';

const MyComponent = () => (
<Accordion title="Lorem ipsum">
<Button variant={ButtonVariant.Simple} type="submit">Offblast</Button>

How to contribute

First, clone the project Hasty at libs/frontend-libs/hasty and create a new branch of the origin/dev branch. Before doing anything else, make sure you update the version in the package.json file at the root of the project, to do that you can run:

  • npm version major|minor|patch|prerelease --no-git-tag-version (it updates package-lock.json file too)
  • or you can use npm run generate-version, it interactively generates new version in package.json and package-lock.json files and optionally prepares entry to

This will ensure that new version of styleguide is properly built and no previous version is overwritten. Hasty adheres to the Semantic Versioning specification, with major versions reserved for breaking changes, patch versions for various fixes, and minor versions for everything else.


To start the development server, run docker-compose up to use a Docker container, or npm ci and than npm run develop to develop locally. Then, open http://localhost:8080. All source files are found in the src directory. To add a new piece of styleguide, you first have to decide what type it is. There are objects, elements, components, and utility classes. They are all described in the namespaces section. Then, add a new .less file with the name of the new module into the appropriate folder in the src/css directory. To show the new module in the styleguide, add a new .njk file into a folder with the same name as before, but this time in the src/styleguide directory. This is an example of part of the file that generates the button element:

Do not forget to write a unit test for any new React component. Create a directory `__tests__` inside the component folder and add test file with snapshots.

name: Button
desc: "Button can take either the form of a link or a clickable element. The basic variant should be used sparingly in a given view, as it represents a primary action, or a CTA. If more than one button is present at once, all secondary actions should use the simple modifier. In case the primary action is destructive and cannot be taken back (e.g. delete a review), the button must use the negative modifier class."

{% variant 'e-button' %}
<button class="e-button" type="button">Dolorum!</button>
{% endvariant %}

{% variant ['e-button', 'e-button--simple'] %}
<button class="e-button e-button--simple" type="button">Dolorum!</button>
{% endvariant %}


Don't forget to update by new version entry with your changes.


To publish a new version of styleguide, make sure you have the right version in package.json. After merging your branch to the dev branch, a new styleguide is automatically deployed to To deploy a production version, merge the dev branch into the master branch. Apart from deploying the styleguide to, this ensures that the latest version of styleguide is published to a private NPM registry The styleguide is then available under the package name of @heureka/hasty.

Alpha publishing
  • Run generate-version script with option 4 (prerelease) locally to generate new alpha version in package.json and lock file
  • It is built from current version and your current git branch name (version-branchName-alpha.alphaVersion - 7.20.1-resolve-alpha-publish-alpha.0)
  • Edit Changelog file
  • Run make build task after your changes
  • Push the branch
  • Trigger Publish-review stage in pipeline manually to publish alpha version. New version should be visible then on URL
  • If you want next version for another commit, you have to generate automatically the new version with increased number via generate-version
  • Repeat all the steps
  • Install package via command npm install @heureka/hasty@version in a project you want to use alpha version of Hasty (ex. @heureka/[email protected])
  • You need to change a path to assets instead of im9 path in your project and version of Hasty too
Alpha unpublishing
  • Delete folders with your alpha versions from public version
  • Trigger Unpublish-review stage in pipeline manually to publish alpha version or it should be called after closing MR automatically
  • It will delete all alpha versions for your alpha version
  • Result should be visible then on URL

To release your contribution into production, it has to be reviewed and approved by at least two members of the front-end technical group. Afterwards, it can be merged into the dev branch, which automatically deploys the new version to, where it can be checked once again. Then, create a merge request from the dev branch to the master branch and wait for another approval (one is enough). If approved, you can finally push the update to the production (both to and the private NPM registry) by merging the branch.

How to write components

There are many well known methods for building HTML and CSS components. We base ours on a set of recommendations called BEM, or Block, Element, Modifier, which rests on a simple, but hard rule. It forbids all selectors other than those targeting classes, like .foo, and prohibits selector chaining. Both, of course, with specific exceptions. If we comply, we avoid some of the biggest problems with specificity.

The abbreviation BEM hides another principle. A component represents a so-called block, which consists of several elements and may use modifiers. To distinguish them, each of these have a different naming convention. If you create a component (or block) with the name (class) block, then its inner element must be named something like block__element. We recognize modifiers because of their block--modifier class. Here is an example of specific component:

<nav class="breadcrumbs breadcrumbs--small">
<ul class="breadcrumbs__list">
<li class="breadcrumbs__item">
<a class="breadcrumbs__link" href=""></a>
<li class="breadcrumbs__item">
<a class="breadcrumbs__link" href="">E-shops</a>
<li class="breadcrumbs__item">
<span class="breadcrumbs__link">Notino</span>

Using multiple __ to give an element its depth is a common mistake. Instead of the class breadcrumbs__link, we would have breadcrumbs__list__item__link. This is unnecessary — and ugly — and makes it harder to change the structure of a component.


We use the CSS preprocessor Less. Preprocessors give you the basic but important option to put each component in its own file, for example breadcrumbs.less:

.breadcrumbs {

&--large {}

.breadcrumbs__list {

.breadcrumbs--small &

.breadcrumbs__item {

@media (max-width: @lteLayout) {


.breadcrumbs__link {


The element selectors in the example are not chained with the block and thus remain simple. They are also indented to reflect the HTML structure of the component. This is a helpful practice that — as opposed to the multiple use of __ — is easy to maintain.

In contrast, modifiers are inserted directly into a block using the & parent selector. Modifiers usually change properties of blocks, but sometimes these changes apply directly to elements. That’s a good excuse to use chaining, like the .breadcrumbs--small & { … } in the element breadcrumbs__list. We treat @media blocks similarly and put them right where they belong.

The last interesting thing to point out is the selector &:not([href]) { … }. It goes against the principle of BEM. The correct way would be to create a new modifier, for example breadcrumbs__link--current. It's fine, though. Not everything should conform exactly to the BEM method and common sense sometimes leads you a little astray.


If we want to adjust the appearance or behavior of a component depending on the context or its location in the HTML document, we often stumble. For example, two components named article and category, which represent different sections of the site and define their layout, are two different contexts. How to proceed if the breadcrumbs component should look or behave differently in each section?

We might think of using the selectors .article .breadcrumbs { … } and .category .breadcrumbs { … }. That, however, would be an unwise choice. We would quickly find out that it’s not at all clear where to put these — into breadcrumbs.less or article.less? Either way is bad, because both create an unnecessary link between the components. That, in turn, would complicate future modifications and lead to trouble with specificity.

Depending on the amount and type of adjustments, we can make a better choice. If the changes are superficial, such as background color or text size, we make a modifier. These are best named in general way, like breadcrumbs--small or breadcrumbs--large. If we know these are specific and will not be used elsewhere, it’s fine to use names such as breadcrumbs--article and breadcrumbs--category.

When it comes to major changes — at the level of structure or layout — we need to think a little more. The goal is to build components that are manageable and reusable. A component (block) is defined by its structure and inner layout, and therefore it knows if, for example, it’s a flex or grid container, or whether its elements are block or inline. It shouldn’t, however, reason or know about its location in the external layout. If, for example, we declare the breadcrumbs component as position: absolute, it will unnecessarily limit its reusability. So, it’s better to leave such declarations to components that are designed to provide the overall page layout.

In our case, that’s the article and category components’ job. So, we create two new elements article__breadcrumbs and category__breadcrumbs, whose task is to place the breadcrumbs component within the section. Since the appearance and inner structure of the component are still handled by the breadcrumbs class, the result is a composition of classes: <nav class="breadcrumbs category__breadcrumbs">. Unlike the .category .breadcrumbs { … } solution, composition doesn’t create a strong link between components and avoids specificity.


The original purpose of BEM was to make developers’ work easier and help them code better. Because of its clear syntax, it enhances code readability and eases orientation. We immediately know what we’re dealing with, just by looking at the code. But can we make it even better?

Using the example of the breadcrumbs and category components, we see that the first one is a reusable component, while the other lays out a particular section. They’re entirely different beasts. If that’s not clear from the names, we’ll make it obvious and add a namespace to the classes. Breadcrumbs becomes c-breadcrumbs and category takes the name of l-category. The namespace c (component) suggests that a class is a component — a closed module with a clear, specific use that is always the same. On the other hand, l (layout) gives the hint that a class provides page layout.

We use three more namespaces. The first one, named e (element), is similar to c but used only on those components that don’t have an inner structure (therefore no BEM elements). A good example is the e-button element, e.g. <button class="e-button">Send</button>. These are the simplest components.

The namespace o (object) is more complicated, but also more valuable in its meaning. It suggests a class that’s in charge of the local structure and layout. The objects o-block-list and o-inline-list are good examples. The o in the title tells us that we’re dealing with a structural element, not a specific component like a bullet list (which would have the c-bullet-list class). The o-block-list lays out its elements (called o-block-list__item) under each other, while o-inline-list puts them side by side. Also, both have a bunch of modifiers (such as o-block-list--loose), which are used to modify the spacing between elements. As objects can be used in many places and for different purposes, you can’t predict where they end up, which means objects shouldn’t be edited casually, because any change can have far-reaching consequences. It’s better (and safer) to add new modifiers.

The last namespace is the utility class with the prefix u. These classes have only one specific purpose — which should be obvious from the name — such as u-align-left or u-visually-hide. However, they should be used sparingly. Unless we need the change only in one place or situation, it’s better to create a new component or modifier.



Layout width variables used for breakpoints. Viewports equal to or smaller than @lineLength are generally considered small, i.e. mobile.

@layoutWidth (75em)
@lineLength (50em)
@columnWideWidth (26em)
@columnWidth (20.5em)


Breakpoints are not based on arbitrary numbers such as a certain device resolution, but solely on the available layout widths. Each width variable has two corresponding breakpoints, prefixed either by gt or lte which translates to greater than and less than or equal, respectively.

The list of available breakpoints:
  • @gtLayoutWide
  • @lteLayoutWide
  • @gtLayout
  • @lteLayout
  • @gtLine
  • @lteLine
  • @gtColumnWide
  • @lteColumnWide
  • @gtColumn
  • @lteColumn



  • @fontSizeGiga


  • @fontSizeMega


  • @fontSizeKilo


  • @fontSizeAlpha

    Lorem ipsum

  • @fontSizeBeta

    Lorem ipsum

  • @fontSizeGamma

    Lorem ipsum

  • @fontSizeDelta

    Lorem ipsum

  • @fontSizeEpsilon

    Lorem ipsum

  • @fontSizeBase

    Lorem ipsum

  • @fontSizeMilli

    Lorem ipsum

  • @fontSizeMicro

    Lorem ipsum

  • @fontSizeNano

    Lorem ipsum

Line height

By default, a line height of 1.5 is used. In some cases, like headings, or interface elements such as buttons — where no more than one or two lines of text are expected — it is possible to employ a reduced line height of 1.35.

@lineHeight (1.5)

Esse atque eaque earum minima laborum voluptatum error quisquam unde praesentium nemo, consectetur cum aspernatur hic! Voluptatem voluptatibus, maiores ullam obcaecati laudantium dolorum rerum consectetur doloremque maxime magni. Modi, perspiciatis? Voluptates libero harum eveniet. Ut quos laborum quo. Nobis pariatur, reiciendis minima saepe similique. In ipsam officia, cupiditate eum inventore, iste quaerat laborum necessitatibus voluptate dolorum delectus non. Culpa, animi.

@lineHeightReduced (1.35)

Esse atque eaque earum minima laborum voluptatum error quisquam unde praesentium nemo, consectetur cum aspernatur hic! Voluptatem voluptatibus, maiores ullam obcaecati laudantium dolorum rerum consectetur doloremque maxime magni. Modi, perspiciatis? Voluptates libero harum eveniet. Ut quos laborum quo. Nobis pariatur, reiciendis minima saepe similique. In ipsam officia, cupiditate eum inventore, iste quaerat laborum necessitatibus voluptate dolorum delectus non. Culpa, animi.


Flow represents the way elements are vertically positioned in relation to each other. Its essence is therefore white space — the empty space between elements — and vertical padding in the elements themselves. All such spaces should be rational multiples of the default line height in rem units, e.g. 1.5rem * @lineHeight. The result of this constraint is the so called vertical rhythm which, because of the consistency it produces, helps the eyes when scanning the content. To set spacing, use the function .v-spacing() or some of the utility spacing classes such as .u-no-spacing.

Consequatur necessitatibus, dolorum? Voluptate fugit possimus consequatur accusantium ex, perspiciatis harum dolor. Eaque est vitae qui quasi facilis sit neque officia, molestiae fuga quos labore a corporis similique modi, nihil.


  • Source Sans Variable

    @fontWeightLight (300)
  • Source Sans Variable

    @fontWeightRegular (400)
  • Source Sans Variable

    @fontWeightBold (600)
  • Source Sans Variable

    @fontWeightExtraBold (700)


Base Colors

  • @colorBlack (#000)
  • @colorWhite (#FFF)

Grey Scale Colors

  • @colorGrey--700 (#1A1A1A)
  • @colorGrey--600 (#292929)
  • @colorGrey--500 (#474747)
  • @colorGrey--400 (#737373)
  • @colorGrey--300 (#A3A3A3)
  • @colorGrey--200 (#D1D1D1)
  • @colorGrey--150 (#EBEBEB)
  • @colorGrey--100 (#F4F4F4)

Blue Scale Colors (Branding Primary)

See the branding section of the use guide for an example of using a stylesheet with different branding.

  • @colorBrandPrimary--700 (#001524)
  • @colorBrandPrimary--600 (#002A47)
  • @colorBrandPrimary--500 (#00487A)
  • @colorBrandPrimary--400 (#0096FF)
  • @colorBrandPrimary--300 (#66C0FF)
  • @colorBrandPrimary--200 (#99D5FF)
  • @colorBrandPrimary--150 (#CCEAFF)
  • @colorBrandPrimary--100 (#EBF7FF)

Orange Scale Colors (Branding Secondary)

See the branding section of the use guide for an example of using a stylesheet with different branding.

  • @colorBrandSecondary--700 (#240D00)
  • @colorBrandSecondary--600 (#471B00)
  • @colorBrandSecondary--500 (#7A2E00)
  • @colorBrandSecondary--400 (#FF660A)
  • @colorBrandSecondary--300 (#FF9F66)
  • @colorBrandSecondary--200 (#FFBF99)
  • @colorBrandSecondary--150 (#FFDFCC)
  • @colorBrandSecondary--100 (#FFF2EB)

Green Scale Colors

  • @colorGreen--700 (#003313)
  • @colorGreen--600 (#00521E)
  • @colorGreen--500 (#008F34)
  • @colorGreen--400 (#00E554)
  • @colorGreen--300 (#47FF8B)
  • @colorGreen--200 (#A3FFC5)
  • @colorGreen--150 (#D7FFE6)
  • @colorGreen--100 (#EBFFF2)

Red Scale Colors

  • @colorRed--700 (#330004)
  • @colorRed--600 (#520007)
  • @colorRed--500 (#8F000C)
  • @colorRed--400 (#E50013)
  • @colorRed--300 (#FF4757)
  • @colorRed--200 (#FFA3AB)
  • @colorRed--150 (#FFD7DA)
  • @colorRed--100 (#FFEBEC)

Yellow Scale Colors

  • @colorYellow--700 (#332900)
  • @colorYellow--600 (#524100)
  • @colorYellow--500 (#8F7200)
  • @colorYellow--400 (#E5B800)
  • @colorYellow--300 (#FFDA47)
  • @colorYellow--200 (#FFEDA3)
  • @colorYellow--150 (#FFF7D7)
  • @colorYellow--100 (#FFFBEB)

Product colors

  • @colorProductBlack (#333333)
  • @colorProductBlue (#008ffd)
  • @colorProductBrown (#893c00)
  • @colorProductGreen (#1bc300)
  • @colorProductGrey (#a8a8a8)
  • @colorProductOrange (#fe7600)
  • @colorProductPink (#ff3e98)
  • @colorProductPurple (#5500f5)
  • @colorProductRed (#e00029)
  • @colorProductTurquoise (#00dfc1)
  • @colorProductWhite (#ffffff)
  • @colorProductYellow (#ffd754)


  • @colorShopOfTheYear (#cdb586)
  • @colorProductOfTheYear (#374659)
  • @colorCashbackGuarantee (#f2c32d)
  • @colorFacebook (#44619d)


  • @borderRadiusReduced
  • @borderRadius
  • @borderWidthReduced
  • @borderWidth
  • @shadow
  • @shadowLarge
  • @shadowHuge


Block list

Block list serves the purpose of laying elements underneath each other, with a predefined spacing between them. The spacing can be altered using modifier classes.


<ul class="o-block-list">

o-block-list o-block-list--snug

<ul class="o-block-list o-block-list--snug">

o-block-list o-block-list--tight

<ul class="o-block-list o-block-list--tight">

o-block-list o-block-list--loose

<ul class="o-block-list o-block-list--loose">


Grid creates a raster of elements that dynamically adjusts the number of items per row in relation to the screen width.


<div class="o-grid">
    <div class="o-grid__item"></div>
    <div class="o-grid__item"></div>
    <div class="o-grid__item"></div>
    <div class="o-grid__item"></div>
    <div class="o-grid__item"></div>
    <div class="o-grid__item"></div>

o-grid o-grid--continuous

<div class="o-grid o-grid--continuous">
    <div class="o-grid__item o-grid__item--colspan-2"></div>
    <div class="o-grid__item"></div>
    <div class="o-grid__item"></div>
    <div class="o-grid__item"></div>
    <div class="o-grid__item"></div>
    <div class="o-grid__item"></div>

Inline list

Inline list serves the purpose of laying elements next to each other. The spacing and alignment between the elements can be altered using modifier classes.


<ul class="o-inline-list">

o-inline-list o-inline-list--snug

<ul class="o-inline-list o-inline-list--snug">

o-inline-list o-inline-list--tight

<ul class="o-inline-list o-inline-list--tight">

o-inline-list o-inline-list--loose

<ul class="o-inline-list o-inline-list--loose">

o-inline-list o-inline-list--spread

<ul class="o-inline-list o-inline-list--spread">

o-inline-list o-inline-list--fill

<ul class="o-inline-list o-inline-list--fill">

o-inline-list o-inline-list--align-top

<ul class="o-inline-list o-inline-list--align-top">

o-inline-list o-inline-list--align-bottom

<ul class="o-inline-list o-inline-list--align-bottom">


Layout represents a basic structure of two elements in relation to each other, where one has a width of two times the other. This relationship can be altered using modifier classes.


<div class="o-layout">
    <div class="o-layout__item"></div>
    <div class="o-layout__item"></div>

o-layout o-layout--equal

<div class="o-layout o-layout--equal">
    <div class="o-layout__item"></div>
    <div class="o-layout__item"></div>

o-layout o-layout--inverse

<div class="o-layout o-layout--inverse">
    <div class="o-layout__item"></div>
    <div class="o-layout__item"></div>

o-layout o-layout--v-tight

<div class="o-layout o-layout--v-tight">
    <div class="o-layout__item"></div>
    <div class="o-layout__item"></div>

o-layout o-layout--v-snug

<div class="o-layout o-layout--v-snug">
    <div class="o-layout__item"></div>
    <div class="o-layout__item"></div>

Line wrap


Voluptas esse rem aspernatur quos amet sequi minus harum corporis illo eveniet iusto hic ab perferendis autem optio, beatae sint. Totam accusamus neque cumque, quidem, distinctio expedita eveniet autem quia.

<p class="o-line-wrap">
    Voluptas esse rem aspernatur quos amet sequi minus harum corporis illo eveniet iusto hic ab perferendis autem optio, beatae sint. Totam accusamus neque cumque, quidem, distinctio expedita eveniet autem quia.

o-line-wrap o-line-wrap--medium

Voluptas esse rem aspernatur quos amet sequi minus harum corporis illo eveniet iusto hic ab perferendis autem optio, beatae sint. Totam accusamus neque cumque, quidem, distinctio expedita eveniet autem quia.

<p class="o-line-wrap o-line-wrap--medium">
    Voluptas esse rem aspernatur quos amet sequi minus harum corporis illo eveniet iusto hic ab perferendis autem optio, beatae sint. Totam accusamus neque cumque, quidem, distinctio expedita eveniet autem quia.

o-line-wrap o-line-wrap--short

Voluptas esse rem aspernatur quos amet sequi minus harum corporis illo eveniet iusto hic ab perferendis autem optio, beatae sint. Totam accusamus neque cumque, quidem, distinctio expedita eveniet autem quia.

<p class="o-line-wrap o-line-wrap--short">
    Voluptas esse rem aspernatur quos amet sequi minus harum corporis illo eveniet iusto hic ab perferendis autem optio, beatae sint. Totam accusamus neque cumque, quidem, distinctio expedita eveniet autem quia.


Responsible table width sticky head.


Who is the fastest?
Animal Max speed Class
Falcon 389 km/h Flight-diving
Golden eagle 320 km/h Flight-diving
Eurasian hobby 160 km/h Flight
Cheetah 109 km/h Land
Sailfish 109 km/h Flight-swimming
Pronghorn 88.5 km/h Land
Human (who needs to poo) 45 km/h Land
<table class="o-table">
    <caption>Who is the fastest?</caption>
            <th class="is-numeric">Max speed</th>
            <th class="is-centered">Class</th>
            <td data-label="Max speed" class="is-numeric">389 km/h</td>
            <td data-label="Class" class="is-centered">Flight-diving</td>
            <td>Golden eagle</td>
            <td data-label="Max speed" class="is-numeric">320 km/h</td>
            <td data-label="Class" class="is-centered">Flight-diving</td>
            <td>Eurasian hobby</td>
            <td data-label="Max speed" class="is-numeric">160 km/h</td>
            <td data-label="Class" class="is-centered">Flight</td>
            <td data-label="Max speed" class="is-numeric">109 km/h</td>
            <td data-label="Class" class="is-centered">Land</td>
            <td data-label="Max speed" class="is-numeric">109 km/h</td>
            <td data-label="Class" class="is-centered">Flight-swimming</td>
            <td data-label="Max speed" class="is-numeric">88.5 km/h</td>
            <td data-label="Class" class="is-centered">Land</td>
            <td>Human (who needs to poo)</td>
            <td data-label="Max speed" class="is-numeric">45 km/h</td>
            <td data-label="Class" class="is-centered">Land</td>


Wrapper — unsurprisingly — “wraps” around its content, constraining it to a predefined optimal width, centering it on the screen, and adding fluid padding on both sides. The width of a wrapper can be altered using modifier classes.


<div class="o-wrapper u-normal-spacing">
    <div class="o-wrapper__overflowing"></div>
    <div class="o-wrapper__overflowing@lteLine"></div>

o-wrapper o-wrapper--line

<div class="o-wrapper o-wrapper--line">

o-wrapper o-wrapper--fill

<div class="o-wrapper o-wrapper--fill">

o-wrapper o-wrapper--fill-medium-margin

<div class="o-wrapper o-wrapper--fill-medium-margin">

o-wrapper o-wrapper--fill-large-margin

<div class="o-wrapper o-wrapper--fill-large-margin">



If less visual weight is desired, the action element can be used for secondary actions instead of buttons.


<button type="button" class="e-action">
    <svg class="e-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#cross"></use></svg>
    <span>Lorem ipsum</span>

e-action e-action--subtle

<button type="button" class="e-action e-action--subtle">
    <svg class="e-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#cross"></use></svg>
    <span>Lorem ipsum</span>


Given an id, anchor pushes up the virtual top edge of an element without disrupting the flow of the document. This can be useful when the id is used in links, especially if sticky elements — such as floating header — are present.


<div class="e-anchor" id="my-anchor">
    <a href="#my-anchor" class="sg-element__placeholder sg-element__placeholder--line sg-element__placeholder--tall"></a>



  • Top 1
  • Hit
  • –20 %
<ul class="o-inline-list o-inline-list--tight">
    <li class="o-inline-list__item"><span class="e-badge e-badge--top">Top 1</span></li>
    <li class="o-inline-list__item"><span class="e-badge e-badge--ad">Hit</span></li>
    <li class="o-inline-list__item"><span class="e-badge e-badge--sale">–20 %</span></li>


Button can take either the form of a link or a clickable element. The basic variant should be used sparingly in a given view, as it represents a primary action, or a CTA. If more than one button is present at once, all secondary actions should use the simple modifier. In case the primary action is destructive and cannot be taken back (e.g. delete a review), the button must use the negative modifier class.


<button class="e-button" type="button">Dolorum!</button>


<button class="e-button" type="button" disabled>Dolorum!</button>

e-button e-button--fill

<button class="e-button e-button--fill" type="button">Dolorum!</button>

e-button e-button--simple

<button class="e-button e-button--simple" type="button">Dolorum!</button>

e-button e-button--positive

<button class="e-button e-button--positive" type="button">Dolorum!</button>

e-button e-button--highlight

<button class="e-button e-button--highlight" type="button">Dolorum!</button>

e-button e-button--negative

<button class="e-button e-button--negative" type="button">Dolorum!</button>

e-button e-button--facebook

<button class="e-button e-button--facebook" type="button">Dolorum!</button>



Minus accusamus

<h3 class="e-heading e-counter" data-count="345">Minus accusamus</h3>

Energy label

Energy labels are dynamic. You can specify it by modifier in pattern 'e-energy-label---'


  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-A

    Energetický štítek A A A G
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-A" aria-labelledby="label-A-G-A"
                        <title id="label-A-G-A">Energetický štítek A</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">A</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">G</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-B

    Energetický štítek B B A G
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-B" aria-labelledby="label-A-G-B"
                        <title id="label-A-G-B">Energetický štítek B</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">B</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">G</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-C

    Energetický štítek C C A G
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-C" aria-labelledby="label-A-G-C"
                        <title id="label-A-G-C">Energetický štítek C</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">C</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">G</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-D

    Energetický štítek D D A G
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-D" aria-labelledby="label-A-G-D"
                        <title id="label-A-G-D">Energetický štítek D</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">D</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">G</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-E

    Energetický štítek E E A G
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-E" aria-labelledby="label-A-G-E"
                        <title id="label-A-G-E">Energetický štítek E</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">E</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">G</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-F

    Energetický štítek F F A G
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-F" aria-labelledby="label-A-G-F"
                        <title id="label-A-G-F">Energetický štítek F</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">F</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">G</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-G

    Energetický štítek G G A G
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-G-G" aria-labelledby="label-A-G-G"
                        <title id="label-A-G-G">Energetický štítek G</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">G</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">G</tspan></text>


  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-A

    Energetický štítek A A A E
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-A" aria-labelledby="label-A-E-A"
                        <title id="label-A-E-A">Energetický štítek A</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">A</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">E</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-B

    Energetický štítek B B A E
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-B" aria-labelledby="label-A-E-B"
                        <title id="label-A-E-B">Energetický štítek B</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">B</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">E</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-C

    Energetický štítek C C A E
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-C" aria-labelledby="label-A-E-C"
                        <title id="label-A-E-C">Energetický štítek C</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">C</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">E</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-D

    Energetický štítek D D A E
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-D" aria-labelledby="label-A-E-D"
                        <title id="label-A-E-D">Energetický štítek D</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">D</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">E</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-E

    Energetický štítek E E A E
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-E" aria-labelledby="label-A-E-E"
                        <title id="label-A-E-E">Energetický štítek E</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">E</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">E</tspan></text>


  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-BLUE-A

    Energetický štítek A A A E
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-BLUE-A" aria-labelledby="label-A-E-BLUE-A"
                        <title id="label-A-E-BLUE-A">Energetický štítek A</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">A</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">E</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-BLUE-B

    Energetický štítek B B A E
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-BLUE-B" aria-labelledby="label-A-E-BLUE-B"
                        <title id="label-A-E-BLUE-B">Energetický štítek B</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
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                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">E</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-BLUE-C

    Energetický štítek C C A E
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-BLUE-C" aria-labelledby="label-A-E-BLUE-C"
                        <title id="label-A-E-BLUE-C">Energetický štítek C</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">C</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">E</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-BLUE-D

    Energetický štítek D D A E
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-BLUE-D" aria-labelledby="label-A-E-BLUE-D"
                        <title id="label-A-E-BLUE-D">Energetický štítek D</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">D</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">E</tspan></text>
  • e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-BLUE-E

    Energetický štítek E E A E
    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-BLUE-E" aria-labelledby="label-A-E-BLUE-E"
                        <title id="label-A-E-BLUE-E">Energetický štítek E</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">E</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">E</tspan></text>



Reprehenderit architecto

<h3 class="e-heading u-gamma">Reprehenderit architecto</h3>


Icons are sized and colored according to the inherited font size and color, which makes them automatically adjust to different contexts. Care should be given to always provide a label, either with an adjoining text node or using the attribute aria-label. Each case requires a different set of the attributes aria-label, aria-hidden and role, as can be seen in the examples below.


<div class="u-normal-spacing">
    <button class="e-button e-button--medium" type="button">
        <svg class="e-icon u-delta" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#loupe"></use></svg>

    <button type="button">
        <svg class="e-icon u-beta" role="image" aria-label="Zavřít"><use xlink:href="#cross"></use></svg>

e-icon e-icon--circle

<svg class="e-icon e-icon--circle u-alpha u-color-highlight" role="image" aria-label="Informace"><use xlink:href="#info"></use></svg>

e-icon e-icon--orb

<svg class="e-icon e-icon--orb u-alpha u-color-success" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#success"></use></svg>

Sprite type icons contains:

  • #3d--thin
  • #3d
  • #arrow--down--thin
  • #arrow--down
  • #arrow--left--thin
  • #arrow--left
  • #arrow--right--thin
  • #arrow--right
  • #arrow--up--thin
  • #arrow--up
  • #avatar--circle--fill
  • #avatar--circle--thin
  • #avatar--simple--fill
  • #avatar--simple--thin
  • #avatar--simple
  • #avatar
  • #bin--fill
  • #bin--thin
  • #bin
  • #book--fill
  • #book--thin
  • #book
  • #box--fill
  • #box--thin
  • #box
  • #bubble--fill
  • #bubble--thin
  • #bubble
  • #bulb--fill
  • #bulb--thin
  • #bulb
  • #calendar--fill
  • #calendar--thin
  • #calendar
  • #candy-box--fill
  • #candy-box--thin
  • #candy-box
  • #cart--fill
  • #cart--thin
  • #cart
  • #check--circle--thin
  • #check--circle
  • #check--fill
  • #check--thin
  • #check
  • #clipper--thin
  • #clipper
  • #compare--fill
  • #compare--thin
  • #compare
  • #copy--fill
  • #copy--thin
  • #copy
  • #credit-card--fill
  • #credit-card--thin
  • #credit-card
  • #cross--circle--thin
  • #cross--circle
  • #cross--fill
  • #cross--thin
  • #cross
  • #cycle--thin
  • #cycle
  • #delivery--fill
  • #delivery--thin
  • #delivery
  • #desktop--fill
  • #desktop--thin
  • #desktop
  • #dots--thin
  • #dots
  • #download--thick
  • #download--thin
  • #drag-drop--thin
  • #drag-drop
  • #drag-handle--thin
  • #drag-handle
  • #drag-indicator--thin
  • #drag-indicator
  • #e-mail--fill
  • #e-mail--thin
  • #e-mail
  • #energy-label--a
  • #energy-label--b
  • #energy-label--c
  • #energy-label--d
  • #energy-label--e
  • #energy-label--f
  • #energy-label--g
  • #energy-label-old--a+++
  • #energy-label-old--a++
  • #energy-label-old--a+
  • #energy-label-old--a
  • #energy-label-old--b
  • #energy-label-old--c
  • #energy-label-old--d
  • #energy-label
  • #error
  • #exclamation--circle--thin
  • #exclamation--circle
  • #exclamation--fill
  • #exclamation--thin
  • #exclamation
  • #exit--fill
  • #exit--thin
  • #exit
  • #eye--fill
  • #eye--thin
  • #eye-close--thin
  • #eye-close
  • #eye
  • #facebook
  • #filters--thin
  • #filters
  • #gallery--fill
  • #gallery--thin
  • #gallery
  • #gear--fill
  • #gear--thin
  • #gear
  • #gift--fill
  • #gift--thin
  • #gift
  • #google--colored
  • #happy--fill
  • #happy--thin
  • #happy
  • #heart--fill
  • #heart--thin
  • #heart
  • #heureka
  • #history--thin
  • #history
  • #info--circle--thin
  • #info--circle
  • #info--fill
  • #info--thin
  • #info
  • #instagram
  • #leaf--fill
  • #leaf--thin
  • #leaf
  • #lifering--fill
  • #lifering--thin
  • #lifering
  • #linkedin
  • #location--fill
  • #location--thin
  • #location
  • #locator--thin
  • #locator
  • #login--thin
  • #login
  • #logout--thin
  • #logout
  • #loupe--thin
  • #loupe
  • #menu--thin
  • #menu
  • #messenger
  • #minus--fill
  • #minus--thin
  • #minus
  • #mobile--fill
  • #mobile--thin
  • #mobile
  • #pencil--fill
  • #pencil--thin
  • #pencil
  • #phone--fill
  • #phone--thin
  • #phone
  • #placeholder--fill
  • #placeholder--thin
  • #placeholder
  • #play--fill
  • #play--thin
  • #play
  • #plus--circle--thin
  • #plus--circle
  • #plus--fill
  • #plus--thin
  • #plus
  • #price-graph--fill
  • #price-graph--thin
  • #price-graph
  • #price-increase--thin
  • #price-increase
  • #price-watch--fill
  • #price-watch--thin
  • #price-watch
  • #product-of-the-year-badge--small--thin
  • #product-of-the-year-badge--small
  • #products--fill
  • #products--thin
  • #products
  • #question--thin
  • #question
  • #questions--fill
  • #questions--thin
  • #questions
  • #range--vertical--fill
  • #range--vertical--thin
  • #range--vertical
  • #sad--fill
  • #sad--thin
  • #sad
  • #sale-badge--fill
  • #sale-badge--thin
  • #sale-badge
  • #secure--fill
  • #secure--thin
  • #secure
  • #share--thin
  • #share
  • #shield--fill
  • #shield--thin
  • #shield
  • #shop-of-the-year-badge--small--thin
  • #shop-of-the-year-badge--small
  • #sizes--thin
  • #sizes
  • #sort--thin
  • #sort
  • #star--fill
  • #star--thin
  • #star
  • #store--fill
  • #store--thin
  • #store-address--thin
  • #store-address
  • #store
  • #success
  • #time-extended--thin
  • #time-extended
  • #twitter
  • #upload--thin
  • #upload
  • #user
  • #verified-by-customers-badge--small--thin
  • #verified-by-customers-badge--small
  • #video
  • #warning--fill
  • #warning--thin
  • #warning
  • #wrench--fill
  • #wrench--thin
  • #wrench
  • #youtube--thin
  • #youtube

Sprite type flags contains:

  • #flag-ba
  • #flag-bg
  • #flag-cz
  • #flag-hr
  • #flag-hu
  • #flag-ro
  • #flag-rs
  • #flag-si
  • #flag-sk


The class .e-input can be applied to any element meant for user input. Note that for the class to applied properly on some types of elements, several conditions have to be met. When applied on a textarea, the element must also define the  rows attribute. If used on a select element, the attribute type must be set to select. Last, due to the limitations of styling native inputs of the type checkbox and radio, an adjoining label element with the modifier faux must be created next to the regular input. The input element is then hidden while the label is styled in such a way as to substitute its function.


<input type="text" class="e-input" value="Dolor cupiditate">


<input type="text" class="e-input" value="Dolor cupiditate" disabled>


<textarea cols="30" rows="5" class="e-input">Adipisci earum eum cumque, voluptate at sequi architecto facilis vero a maxime ratione fugit possimus necessitatibus aliquid porro doloribus obcaecati provident assumenda facere quibusdam, saepe quod. Dolore earum vero ad.</textarea>


<select class="e-input" type="select">
    <option>Temporibus culpa</option>
    <option>Nostrum dolore</option>
    <option>Dolore incidunt</option>


<input id="checkbox" type="checkbox" class="e-input">
<label for="checkbox" class="e-input e-input--faux" aria-hidden="true"></label>


<input id="radio" type="radio" class="e-input">
<label for="radio" class="e-input e-input--faux" aria-hidden="true"></label>




Maiores lorem

Temporibus pariatur voluptates numquam aliquam asperiores. Est qui minus nostrum sequi itaque, quia vero, expedita temporibus dolorem, magni sapiente. Saepe dolore quibusdam labore dolores aperiam architecto accusantium ducimus cupiditate aliquam.

<section class="c-accordion js-accordion" id="accordion-1">
    <a href="#accordion-1" class="c-accordion__button js-accordion__toggle u-bold">Maiores lorem</a>
    <div class="c-accordion__content js-accordion__content">
        <p>Temporibus pariatur voluptates numquam aliquam asperiores. Est qui minus nostrum sequi itaque, quia vero, expedita temporibus dolorem, magni sapiente. Saepe dolore quibusdam labore dolores aperiam architecto accusantium ducimus cupiditate aliquam.</p>

c-accordion is-active

Maiores lorem

Temporibus pariatur voluptates numquam aliquam asperiores. Est qui minus nostrum sequi itaque, quia vero, expedita temporibus dolorem, magni sapiente. Saepe dolore quibusdam labore dolores aperiam architecto accusantium ducimus cupiditate aliquam.

<section class="c-accordion js-accordion is-active" id="accordion-2">
    <a href="#accordion-2" class="c-accordion__button js-accordion__toggle u-bold">Maiores lorem</a>
    <div class="c-accordion__content js-accordion__content">
        <p>Temporibus pariatur voluptates numquam aliquam asperiores. Est qui minus nostrum sequi itaque, quia vero, expedita temporibus dolorem, magni sapiente. Saepe dolore quibusdam labore dolores aperiam architecto accusantium ducimus cupiditate aliquam.</p>

c-accordion c-accordion--no-arrow

Maiores lorem

Temporibus pariatur voluptates numquam aliquam asperiores. Est qui minus nostrum sequi itaque, quia vero, expedita temporibus dolorem, magni sapiente. Saepe dolore quibusdam labore dolores aperiam architecto accusantium ducimus cupiditate aliquam.

<section class="c-accordion c-accordion--no-arrow js-accordion" id="accordion-3">
    <a href="#accordion-3" class="c-accordion__button js-accordion__toggle e-button e-button--simple">Maiores lorem</a>
    <div class="c-accordion__content js-accordion__content">
        <p>Temporibus pariatur voluptates numquam aliquam asperiores. Est qui minus nostrum sequi itaque, quia vero, expedita temporibus dolorem, magni sapiente. Saepe dolore quibusdam labore dolores aperiam architecto accusantium ducimus cupiditate aliquam.</p>

c-accordion c-accordion@lteLine

Maiores lorem

Temporibus pariatur voluptates numquam aliquam asperiores. Est qui minus nostrum sequi itaque, quia vero, expedita temporibus dolorem, magni sapiente. Saepe dolore quibusdam labore dolores aperiam architecto accusantium ducimus cupiditate aliquam.

<section class="c-accordion c-accordion@lteLine js-accordion" id="accordion-4">
    <a href="#accordion-4" class="c-accordion__button js-accordion__toggle u-bold">Maiores lorem</a>
    <div class="c-accordion__content js-accordion__content">
        <p>Temporibus pariatur voluptates numquam aliquam asperiores. Est qui minus nostrum sequi itaque, quia vero, expedita temporibus dolorem, magni sapiente. Saepe dolore quibusdam labore dolores aperiam architecto accusantium ducimus cupiditate aliquam.</p>

Action list


<section class="c-action-list">
    <button class="c-action-list__item e-button e-button--simple" type="button">
        <svg class="e-icon u-delta" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#filters"></use></svg>
    <button class="c-action-list__item e-button e-button--simple" type="button">
        <svg class="e-icon u-delta" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#location"></use></svg>
        <span>Výdejní místa</span>
    <button class="c-action-list__item e-button e-button--simple" type="button">
        <svg class="e-icon u-delta" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#sort"></use></svg>

Attribute list

c-attributes-list c-attributes-list--pros

  • Natus impedit ducimus quis voluptates laborum distinctio ipsam esse atque possimus numquam.
  • Hic consectetur voluptas, distinctio blanditiis maiores.
  • Labore beatae impedit vel placeat eos maxime necessitatibus, cumque hic!
<ul class="c-attributes-list c-attributes-list--pros o-block-list o-block-list--snug">
    <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Natus impedit ducimus quis voluptates laborum distinctio ipsam esse atque possimus numquam.</li>
    <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Hic consectetur voluptas, distinctio blanditiis maiores.</li>
    <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Labore beatae impedit vel placeat eos maxime necessitatibus, cumque hic!</li>

c-attributes-list c-attributes-list--cons

  • Numquam ut cum accusantium, in, nulla molestias non nobis dolorum officiis corporis. Consequuntur, vitae, totam.
  • Sint voluptas nostrum quidem rem aliquam eveniet ipsum.
<ul class="c-attributes-list c-attributes-list--cons o-block-list o-block-list--snug">
    <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Numquam ut cum accusantium, in, nulla molestias non nobis dolorum officiis corporis. Consequuntur, vitae, totam.</li>
    <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Sint voluptas nostrum quidem rem aliquam eveniet ipsum.</li>

c-attributes-list c-attributes-list--circle c-attributes-list--pros

  • Natus impedit ducimus quis voluptates laborum distinctio ipsam esse atque possimus numquam.
  • Hic consectetur voluptas, distinctio blanditiis maiores.
  • Labore beatae impedit vel placeat eos maxime necessitatibus, cumque hic!
<ul class="c-attributes-list c-attributes-list--circle c-attributes-list--pros o-block-list o-block-list--snug">
    <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Natus impedit ducimus quis voluptates laborum distinctio ipsam esse atque possimus numquam.</li>
    <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Hic consectetur voluptas, distinctio blanditiis maiores.</li>
    <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Labore beatae impedit vel placeat eos maxime necessitatibus, cumque hic!</li>

c-attributes-list c-attributes-list--circle c-attributes-list--cons

  • Numquam ut cum accusantium, in, nulla molestias non nobis dolorum officiis corporis. Consequuntur, vitae, totam.
  • Sint voluptas nostrum quidem rem aliquam eveniet ipsum.
<ul class="c-attributes-list c-attributes-list--circle c-attributes-list--cons o-block-list o-block-list--snug">
    <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Numquam ut cum accusantium, in, nulla molestias non nobis dolorum officiis corporis. Consequuntur, vitae, totam.</li>
    <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Sint voluptas nostrum quidem rem aliquam eveniet ipsum.</li>



<div class="c-banner">
    <div id="div-gpt-ad-1536231556476-0" style="width: 500px; height: 175px;"></div>

c-banner c-banner--sticky

<div class="c-banner c-banner--sticky">
    <div id="div-gpt-ad-1536231556477-0" style="width: 250px; height: 300px;"></div>



<nav class="c-breadcrumbs">
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  • Cumque est placeat corporis.
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  • Quasi praesentium veritatis ratione modi, aliquid aut voluptatem voluptatibus dolore optio impedit, consectetur animi porro nesciunt. Maiores dolorem corporis, ut totam.
  • Provident, minima itaque necessitatibus.
  • Iste, iusto.
  • Tempore, suscipit. Sapiente, quia.
  • Sit numquam, nisi saepe!
<ul class="c-bullet-list">
    <li class="c-bullet-list__item">Cumque est placeat corporis.</li>
    <li class="c-bullet-list__item">Libero sunt, omnis tempore.</li>
    <li class="c-bullet-list__item">Quasi praesentium veritatis ratione modi, aliquid aut voluptatem voluptatibus dolore optio impedit, consectetur animi porro nesciunt. Maiores dolorem corporis, ut totam.</li>
    <li class="c-bullet-list__item">Provident, minima itaque necessitatibus.</li>
    <li class="c-bullet-list__item">Iste, iusto.</li>
    <li class="c-bullet-list__item">Tempore, suscipit. Sapiente, quia.</li>
    <li class="c-bullet-list__item">Sit numquam, nisi saepe!</li>

Categories list


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            <span class="c-categories-list__title">Jak vybrat hobby?</span>
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Editable content


Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Modi maxime omnis, nobis ex numquam distinctio dolorum odio, reprehenderit temporibus aspernatur. Quod hic sunt, consequuntur omnis sint quam ratione, est facilis.

Lorem ipsum

  • Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
  • Dolorum, accusantium? Quos cupiditate voluptatem perspiciatis perferendis explicabo.
  • Rerum tempora corrupti suscipit, consectetur id quisquam ex.
  • In recusandae deleniti molestias quam nam unde similique.
  • Deserunt, doloremque. Alias asperiores minus eius perferendis minima.

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora quisquam iusto molestias modi itaque ab sed necessitatibus et officia eveniet iure, minima iste, aliquam optio autem provident ipsum sint ratione.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Repellendus incidunt cum sint, voluptatum, nesciunt facilis, vel ex molestiae eveniet nam quis eos optio. Repellendus magni pariatur quaerat ex, repellat earum.

Lorem, ipsum, dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora quisquam iusto molestias modi itaque ab sed necessitatibus et officia eveniet iure, minima iste, aliquam optio autem provident ipsum sint ratione.

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  2. Minus ipsam, blanditiis minima porro?
  3. Veritatis nemo, vitae praesentium laborum.
Animal Max speed Class
Falcon 389 km/h Flight-diving
Golden eagle 320 km/h Flight-diving
Eurasian hobby 160 km/h Flight
Cheetah 109 km/h Land
Sailfish 109 km/h Flight-swimming
Pronghorn 88.5 km/h Land
Human (who needs to poo) 45 km/h Land

Lorem ipsum, dolor. Lorem ipsum, dolor. Lorem ipsum, dolor.

<div class="c-editable-content">
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Modi maxime omnis, nobis ex numquam distinctio dolorum odio, reprehenderit temporibus aspernatur. Quod hic sunt, consequuntur omnis sint quam ratione, est facilis.</p>

    <h3>Lorem ipsum</h3>

        <li>Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</li>
        <li>Dolorum, accusantium? Quos cupiditate voluptatem perspiciatis perferendis explicabo.</li>
        <li>Rerum tempora corrupti suscipit, consectetur id quisquam ex.</li>
        <li>In recusandae deleniti molestias quam nam unde similique.</li>
        <li>Deserunt, doloremque. Alias asperiores minus eius perferendis minima.</li>

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            <h2><a href="#">Lorem ipsum</a></h2>
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora quisquam iusto molestias modi itaque ab sed necessitatibus et officia eveniet iure, minima iste, aliquam optio autem provident ipsum sint ratione.</p>

    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Repellendus incidunt cum sint, voluptatum, nesciunt facilis, vel ex molestiae eveniet nam quis eos optio. Repellendus magni pariatur quaerat ex, repellat earum.</p>

    <h4>Lorem, ipsum, dolor.</h4>

    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora quisquam iusto molestias modi itaque ab sed necessitatibus et officia eveniet iure, minima iste, aliquam optio autem provident ipsum sint ratione.</p>

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        <img class="c-article-image__image c-article-image__image--50" src="styleguide/img/article-content/thumb.jpg" alt="Thumb" title="Title">

        <li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</li>
        <li>Minus ipsam, blanditiis minima porro?</li>
        <li>Veritatis nemo, vitae praesentium laborum.</li>

                <th>Max speed</th>
                <th class="is-centered">Class</th>
                <td>389 km/h</td>
                <td>Golden eagle</td>
                <td>320 km/h</td>
                <td>Eurasian hobby</td>
                <td>160 km/h</td>
                <td>109 km/h</td>
                <td>109 km/h</td>
                <td>88.5 km/h</td>
                <td>Human (who needs to poo)</td>
                <td>45 km/h</td>

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        <iframe class="c-article-youtube__iframe" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

        <a style="display: block;" href="">Lorem ipsum, dolor.</a>
        <a style="display: block;" href="">Lorem ipsum, dolor.</a>
        <a style="display: block;" href="">Lorem ipsum, dolor.</a>


Form cell


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ShopRoku 2017

ShopRoku 2017

Ipsum repellendus sint in fugiat esse dolor ab debitis, qui neque aperiam minus tenetur, quaerat, eaque incidunt enim aliquam cum exercitationem non quo quis ea veritatis rerum, a quae. Ipsum!

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ShopRoku 2017

ShopRoku 2017

Ipsum repellendus sint in fugiat esse dolor ab debitis, qui neque aperiam minus tenetur, quaerat, eaque incidunt enim aliquam cum exercitationem non quo quis ea veritatis rerum, a quae. Ipsum!

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c-notice c-notice--medium

<p class="c-notice c-notice--medium" role="alert">Rem tempora laudantium harum rerum suscipit debitis, distinctio quis ullam!</p>

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<p class="c-notice c-notice--point-bottom c-notice--small c-notice--error" role="alert">Quos quam voluptate hic error in, iste, deserunt.</p>



Ipsum itaque fuga sed fugiat eligendi optio perspiciatis placeat quod maxime consequuntur sit doloribus aperiam enim, quo magni asperiores eaque illum blanditiis! Eum pariatur deserunt dignissimos debitis, cupiditate cumque deleniti.

Lorem ipsum

Perferendis quo quibusdam quod, soluta facilis, incidunt. Nulla quo similique repudiandae odit mollitia earum voluptas, magni consectetur dolores esse et laborum dolore facilis dicta molestiae vero, nemo pariatur modi ducimus.

Modi adipisci nisi, eum debitis quasi reiciendis cum similique eligendi quos accusantium quas dicta omnis perspiciatis perferendis. Tempore aperiam doloribus, saepe laborum mollitia ut cupiditate vitae eos eaque. Molestiae, explicabo.

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        <h3 class="e-heading u-delta">Lorem ipsum</h3>

        <p>Perferendis quo quibusdam quod, soluta facilis, incidunt. Nulla quo similique repudiandae odit mollitia earum voluptas, magni consectetur dolores esse et laborum dolore facilis dicta molestiae vero, nemo pariatur modi ducimus.</p>

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        <p>Modi adipisci nisi, eum debitis quasi reiciendis cum similique eligendi quos accusantium quas dicta omnis perspiciatis perferendis. Tempore aperiam doloribus, saepe laborum mollitia ut cupiditate vitae eos eaque. Molestiae, explicabo.</p>





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Pipe list


  • Ab esse
  • Nisi facere
  • Molestias officia
  • Sagulum
  • Villosaque
  • Admodum
  • Femoralia
  • Coles
  • Sagulum
  • Villosaque
  • Admodum
  • Femoralia
  • Coles
<ul class="c-pipe-list">
    <li class="c-pipe-list__item">Ab esse</li>
    <li class="c-pipe-list__item">Nisi facere</li>
    <li class="c-pipe-list__item">Molestias officia</li>
    <li class="c-pipe-list__item">Sagulum</li>
    <li class="c-pipe-list__item">Villosaque</li>
    <li class="c-pipe-list__item">Admodum</li>
    <li class="c-pipe-list__item">Femoralia</li>
    <li class="c-pipe-list__item">Coles</li>
    <li class="c-pipe-list__item">Sagulum</li>
    <li class="c-pipe-list__item">Villosaque</li>
    <li class="c-pipe-list__item">Admodum</li>
    <li class="c-pipe-list__item">Femoralia</li>
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70 %

Zboží dorazilo za 1 den

  • Natus impedit ducimus quis voluptates laborum distinctio ipsam esse atque possimus numquam.
  • Hic consectetur voluptas, distinctio blanditiis maiores.
  • Labore beatae impedit vel placeat eos maxime necessitatibus, cumque hic!
  • Numquam ut cum accusantium, in, nulla molestias non nobis dolorum officiis corporis. Consequuntur, vitae, totam.
  • Sint voluptas nostrum quidem rem aliquam eveniet ipsum.

Sapiente maxime dolorem aliquid placeat praesentium nulla, quo voluptate error quos, aliquam, maiores similique? Veniam, eum quae esse deserunt sunt, placeat dignissimos praesentium repellat ad quibusdam facere maiores possimus neque eveniet illum atque impedit animi quidem consequuntur totam modi velit. Sapiente perspiciatis expedita alias cupiditate libero maxime? Eum optio explicabo possimus reiciendis iure consequuntur tenetur neque laboriosam natus, beatae dolorum?

Reakce obchodu Notino

Nobis id officia quaerat minima deleniti veniam, iste, voluptates quo labore quidem enim nostrum dolorem unde maiores aliquid ratione doloribus voluptatum deserunt minus magni sequi. Illum non aperiam, ad sunt!

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                <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Natus impedit ducimus quis voluptates laborum distinctio ipsam esse atque possimus numquam.</li>
                <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Hic consectetur voluptas, distinctio blanditiis maiores.</li>
                <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Labore beatae impedit vel placeat eos maxime necessitatibus, cumque hic!</li>

            <ul class="c-attributes-list c-attributes-list--circle c-attributes-list--cons o-block-list o-block-list--snug">
                <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Numquam ut cum accusantium, in, nulla molestias non nobis dolorum officiis corporis. Consequuntur, vitae, totam.</li>
                <li class="c-attributes-list__item">Sint voluptas nostrum quidem rem aliquam eveniet ipsum.</li>


        <p class="c-post__summary">Sapiente maxime dolorem aliquid placeat praesentium nulla, quo voluptate error quos, aliquam, maiores similique? Veniam, eum quae esse deserunt sunt, placeat dignissimos praesentium repellat ad quibusdam facere maiores possimus neque eveniet illum atque impedit animi quidem consequuntur totam modi velit. Sapiente perspiciatis expedita alias cupiditate libero maxime? Eum optio explicabo possimus reiciendis iure consequuntur tenetur neque laboriosam natus, beatae dolorum?</p>

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                    <span>Reakce obchodu Notino</span>

                <p>Nobis id officia quaerat minima deleniti veniam, iste, voluptates quo labore quidem enim nostrum dolorem unde maiores aliquid ratione doloribus voluptatum deserunt minus magni sequi. Illum non aperiam, ad sunt!</p>




Product card has several variants related to: the number of shops offering the product, whether it is a paid ad, or an unpaired product offer. A product card has various links that differ depending on the variant. The possible targets are identified here by the placeholders #review, #detail, #exit and #category.


  • Top 9

Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK

  • Energetický štítek B B A E
  • 15.6 palce
  • 1920 x 1080
  • AMD A6
  • 3 GHz
  • 8 GB
  • Integrovaná karta

Dostupný notebook pro každodenní běžné požadavky na práci i zábavu.

Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK
<section class="c-product">
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                    <a class="c-product__link" href="#detail">Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK</a>
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                    <svg width="43" height="24" viewBox="0 0 43 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="c-product__energy-label c-product__energy-label--second e-energy-label e-energy-label--A-E-B" aria-labelledby="label-A-E-A"
                        <title id="label-A-E-A">Energetický štítek B</title>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0H31L43 12L31 24H0V0Z" class="e-energy-label__background"></path>
                        <rect width="8" height="22" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 9 1)" fill="white"></rect>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__value"><tspan x="16.0234" y="16.492">B</tspan></text>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.42041" y="9.1995">A</tspan></text>
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.35153 9.98621C5.2811 9.91504 5.18513 9.875 5.085 9.875C4.98487 9.875 4.8889 9.91504 4.81847 9.98621L3.23347 11.5877C3.08778 11.7349 3.08901 11.9723 3.23621 12.118C3.38341 12.2637 3.62085 12.2625 3.76653 12.1153L4.65039 11.2222L4.65039 13.525C4.65039 13.7321 4.81828 13.9 5.02539 13.9C5.2325 13.9 5.40039 13.7321 5.40039 13.525V11.1018L6.40347 12.1153C6.54915 12.2625 6.78659 12.2637 6.93379 12.118C7.08099 11.9723 7.08222 11.7349 6.93653 11.5877L5.35153 9.98621Z" fill="black"></path>
                        <text class="e-energy-label__range"><tspan x="2.13037" y="21.1995">E</tspan></text>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Úhlopříčka displeje">15.6 palce</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Rozlišení displeje">1920 x 1080</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Procesor">AMD A6</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Frekvence procesoru">3 GHz</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Velikost operační paměti">8 GB</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Druh grafické karty">Integrovaná karta</li>
                <p class="c-product__desc o-line-wrap">
                    Dostupný notebook pro každodenní běžné požadavky na práci i zábavu.
            <div class="c-product__actions o-block-list">
                <div class="c-product__offers o-block-list o-block-list--snug">
                    <a class="c-product__price" href="#detail">10&nbsp;333 – 14&nbsp;352&nbsp;</a>
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    <a href="#detail" class="c-product__overlay-link">Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK</a>

c-product c-product--serp

  • Top 9

Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK

  • 15.6 palce
  • 1920 x 1080
  • AMD A6
  • 3 GHz
  • 8 GB
  • Integrovaná karta

Dostupný notebook pro každodenní běžné požadavky na práci i zábavu.

Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK
<section class="c-product c-product--serp">
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                    <a class="c-product__link" href="#detail">Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK</a>
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                                <span class="c-rating-widget__value">93 %</span>
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                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Úhlopříčka displeje">15.6 palce</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Rozlišení displeje">1920 x 1080</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Procesor">AMD A6</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Frekvence procesoru">3 GHz</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Velikost operační paměti">8 GB</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Druh grafické karty">Integrovaná karta</li>
                <p class="c-product__desc o-line-wrap">
                    Dostupný notebook pro každodenní běžné požadavky na práci i zábavu.
            <div class="c-product__actions o-block-list">
                <div class="c-product__offers o-block-list o-block-list--snug">
                    <a class="c-product__price" href="#detail">10&nbsp;333 – 14&nbsp;352&nbsp;</a>
                    <a class="c-product__shops c-product__link" href="#detail">v 17 obchodech</a>
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    <a href="#detail" class="c-product__overlay-link">Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK</a>

c-product c-product--single-shop

  • Top 9

Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK

  • 15.6 palce
  • 1920 x 1080
  • AMD A6
  • 3 GHz
  • 8 GB
  • Integrovaná karta

Dostupný notebook pro každodenní běžné požadavky na práci i zábavu. Dvoujádrový procesor AMD A6-9225 (2.6GHz, TB 3GHz); 8GB operační paměti DDR4; 15.6" Full HD displej; grafika; quas impedit, natus laudantium, cumundeametreprehenderitexpeditaculpareiciendisdoloribusiste.

Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK
<section class="c-product c-product--single-shop">
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                    <li class="e-badge e-badge--top">Top 9</li>
                <h3 class="c-product__title">
                    <a class="c-product__link" href="#exit">Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK</a>
                <ul class="c-product__stats c-pipe-list is-available">
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                <ul class="c-product__params c-simple-list">
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Úhlopříčka displeje">15.6 palce</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Rozlišení displeje">1920 x 1080</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Procesor">AMD A6</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Frekvence procesoru">3 GHz</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Velikost operační paměti">8 GB</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Druh grafické karty">Integrovaná karta</li>
                <p class="c-product__desc o-line-wrap">
                    Dostupný notebook pro každodenní běžné požadavky na práci i zábavu. Dvoujádrový procesor AMD A6-9225 (2.6GHz, TB 3GHz); 8GB operační paměti DDR4; 15.6" Full HD displej; grafika; quas impedit, natus laudantium, cumundeametreprehenderitexpeditaculpareiciendisdoloribusiste.
            <div class="c-product__actions o-block-list">
                <div class="c-product__offers o-block-list o-block-list--snug">
                    <a class="c-product__price" href="#detail">10&nbsp;333&nbsp;</a>
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    <a href="#exit" class="c-product__overlay-link">Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK</a>

c-product c-product--single-shop-with-variants

  • Top 9

Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK

  • 15.6 palce
  • 1920 x 1080
  • AMD A6
  • 3 GHz
  • 8 GB
  • Integrovaná karta

Dostupný notebook pro každodenní běžné požadavky na práci i zábavu. Dvoujádrový procesor AMD A6-9225 (2.6GHz, TB 3GHz); 8GB operační paměti DDR4; 15.6" Full HD displej; grafika; quas impedit, natus laudantium, cumundeametreprehenderitexpeditaculpareiciendisdoloribusiste.

Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK
<section class="c-product c-product--single-shop-with-variants">
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                    <li class="e-badge e-badge--top">Top 9</li>
                <h3 class="c-product__title">
                    <a class="c-product__link" href="#exit">Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK</a>
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                <ul class="c-product__params c-simple-list">
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Úhlopříčka displeje">15.6 palce</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Rozlišení displeje">1920 x 1080</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Procesor">AMD A6</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Frekvence procesoru">3 GHz</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Velikost operační paměti">8 GB</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Druh grafické karty">Integrovaná karta</li>
                <p class="c-product__desc o-line-wrap">
                    Dostupný notebook pro každodenní běžné požadavky na práci i zábavu. Dvoujádrový procesor AMD A6-9225 (2.6GHz, TB 3GHz); 8GB operační paměti DDR4; 15.6" Full HD displej; grafika; quas impedit, natus laudantium, cumundeametreprehenderitexpeditaculpareiciendisdoloribusiste.
            <div class="c-product__actions o-block-list">
                <div class="c-product__offers o-block-list o-block-list--snug">
                    <a class="c-product__price" href="#detail">10&nbsp;333&nbsp;</a>
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    <a href="#exit" class="c-product__overlay-link">Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK</a>

c-product c-product--offer

Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK

Dostupný notebook pro každodenní běžné požadavky na práci i zábavu. Dvoujádrový procesor AMD A6-9225 (2.6GHz, TB 3GHz); 8GB operační paměti DDR4; 15.6" Full HD displej; grafika; quas impedit, natus laudantium, cum unde amet reprehenderit expedita culpa reiciendis doloribus iste.

Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK
<section class="c-product c-product--offer">
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                    <a class="c-product__link" href="#exit">Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK</a>
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                <p class="c-product__desc o-line-wrap">
                    Dostupný notebook pro každodenní běžné požadavky na práci i zábavu. Dvoujádrový procesor AMD A6-9225 (2.6GHz, TB 3GHz); 8GB operační paměti DDR4; 15.6" Full HD displej; grafika; quas impedit, natus laudantium, cum unde amet reprehenderit expedita culpa reiciendis doloribus iste.
            <div class="c-product__actions o-block-list">
                <div class="c-product__offers o-block-list o-block-list--snug">
                    <a class="c-product__price" href="#detail">10&nbsp;333&nbsp;</a>
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    <a href="#exit" class="c-product__overlay-link">Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK</a>

c-product c-product--productad

  • Top 9
  • Hit

Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK

  • 15.6 palce
  • 1920 x 1080
  • AMD A6
  • 3 GHz
  • 8 GB
  • Integrovaná karta

Dostupný notebook pro každodenní běžné požadavky na práci i zábavu. Dvoujádrový procesor AMD A6-9225 (2.6GHz, TB 3GHz); 8GB operační paměti DDR4; 15.6" Full HD displej; grafika; quas impedit, natus laudantium, cum unde amet reprehenderit expedita culpa reiciendis doloribus iste.

Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK
<section class="c-product c-product--productad">
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                    <li class="e-badge e-badge--top">Top 9</li>
                    <li class="e-badge e-badge--ad">Hit</li>
                <h3 class="c-product__title">
                    <a class="c-product__link" href="#detail">Lenovo IdeaPad S145 81N300ALCK</a>
                <ul class="c-product__stats c-pipe-list is-available">
                    <li class="c-pipe-list__item">
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                                <span class="c-rating-widget__value">93 %</span>
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                        <a class="c-product__review-count c-product__link" href="#review">5 recenzí</a>
                <ul class="c-product__params c-simple-list">
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Úhlopříčka displeje">15.6 palce</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Rozlišení displeje">1920 x 1080</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Procesor">AMD A6</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Frekvence procesoru">3 GHz</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Velikost operační paměti">8 GB</li>
                    <li class="c-simple-list__item" title="Druh grafické karty">Integrovaná karta</li>
                <p class="c-product__desc o-line-wrap">
                    Dostupný notebook pro každodenní běžné požadavky na práci i zábavu. Dvoujádrový procesor AMD A6-9225 (2.6GHz, TB 3GHz); 8GB operační paměti DDR4; 15.6" Full HD displej; grafika; quas impedit, natus laudantium, cum unde amet reprehenderit expedita culpa reiciendis doloribus iste.
            <div class="c-product__actions o-block-list">
                <div class="c-product__offers o-block-list o-block-list--snug">
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